Sunday, October 25, 2009

A boat trip past the stunning new 2010 WC Green Point Stadium in Cape Town

Just past Granger Bay and the Radisson hotel here
And so a few days ago I went on the Whale Watcher boat the Motor cruiser "Condor" it left at 6.30, which is later then the other tourist charter boats, so I had only about half an hour shooting time before it was too dark
The skipper and crew were very helpful after requesting to go close to the stadium but my first shots were straight into the sun and unfortunately there was a water spot on my lens
so I discarded them but here is the rest

Click images to enlarge

Note the bus

Honey ?
Does my Stadium look big here ?

Would you like to live in that penthouse ?

Cape Town, the mother city, the gorgeous city I live in

Here is a good example of how grey the facade of the stadium can look in certain lights and from certain angles, this is after the sun is down, it was not by any means a spectacular sunset, no colourful sky and  so no golden facade, it was a bit of an anti climax ...

Allthough I thouroughly enjoyed this trip, it is not great for photographing but fantastic to see Cape Town's night lights.


  1. You more than do it justice! I particularly like the first one - especially as it doesn't have watermarks all over it!

  2. ...reckon it's time that stade francais paid you for every hit...

  3. Ha ! You didnt look well is there :)
